
Assistive AI Should Not Limit Protection Says Copyright Office

It would be an understatement to say that developments in artificial intelligence (AI) have sent shockwaves through the creative fields. From the perspective of copyright law, AI raises many issues, including the extent to which copyright applies to works made with AI. The Copyright Office initially responded by publishing a “guidance” document that many thinkContinue reading “Assistive AI Should Not Limit Protection Says Copyright Office”

Registration: One Work, One Author, Lots of Rules

The Single Application Form The least expensive registration avenue offered by the Copyright Office is the Single Application form. For $45 ($20less than the Standard Application), you can submit your registration. However, the Copyright Office views this as a special discount and limits the use of Single Application. As the name suggests, you may onlyContinue reading “Registration: One Work, One Author, Lots of Rules”

What is Original in Copyright Law?

In casual conversation or art criticism, we tend to use the word original to describe a new work that stands out for one reason or another. But in the world of copyright law, original is not that kind of judgment. Instead, it is a minimum standard for claiming authorship in a work. In fact, theContinue reading “What is Original in Copyright Law?”

AI and Copyright Registration

If you’re feeling confused about copyright and artificial intelligence, you’re not alone. Many of the issues and conflicts related to this topic are going to work their way through lawsuits and policy changes over the next few years. Meanwhile, the Copyright Office has issued guidelines for registering a work that contains some element(s) produced withContinue reading “AI and Copyright Registration”

What If the Copyright Office Rejects a Registration Application?

It doesn’t happen very often, but sometimes the Copyright Office will reject a registration application for a particular work (Title). In most cases, when the registration specialist detects an administrative error, he or she will usually email the applicant directly and try to clear up any confusion. If you submitted a registration through RightsClick, andContinue reading “What If the Copyright Office Rejects a Registration Application?”

The Valancourt Books Decision and Deposit Copies

You may have seen some headlines recently announcing that the “deposit requirement” at the U.S. Copyright Office was held to be unconstitutional by the DC Circuit Court of Appeals. Because this announcement could be misunderstood by creators looking to register their work(s) with the Office, we wanted to clarify the nature of this decision, butContinue reading “The Valancourt Books Decision and Deposit Copies”