
About RightsClick

Successful creative professionals take control of their copyright rights, and RightsClick® is designed to help you do just that. Our mantra is Get organized, register your work, and take action against infringements. These are the fundamental steps every creator should take–especially in a time when theft of your creative work is so easy and rampant.

Organize Your Portfolio

Create multiple Projects in RightsClick, and upload your Titles. Add copyright relevant information with a simple interface. Use Projects to group-register works and/or to keep the information at your fingertips. Use the RightsClick calendar tools to keep track of actions taken (or that you want to take) with specific Titles.

Register Your Work

Copyright protection in the U.S. begins with registration with the U.S. Copyright Office. Timely registration is required in order to obtain the full range of enforcement options when someone makes unlicensed use of your work.

Take Action Against Infringements

When you discover an infringement of your work, there are steps you can (and should) take before you 1) go straight to a lawyer; or 2) complain about it on social media. That’s why we created DIY enforcement tools in Rights Click.

Member Benefits

Are you a member of one of these organizations? If so, you can receive extended benefits and discounts for RightsClick. Click the logo to visit your Member Page.