Making copyright management part of your workflow just got easier.
RightsClick is designed to help independent creators quickly and easily protect and enforce their copyrights. That begins with registration with the U.S. Copyright Office. With the new RightsClick plugin for the Capture One photo editing software, it is now even easier to make copyright registration a regular practice in running your business. Our new partnership with Capture One provides a seamless workflow — from editing a session to copyright registration. And RightsClick takes care of those spreadsheets!

If your work is registered, and especially if a commercial entity uses a photo without permission, the settlement can be substantial—even thousands of dollars. I use RightsClick now to register new material and back catalog, and the process could not be easier. Plus, having taken action against infringements in the past, I’m eager to use the RightsClick enforcement tools in the future.
Jenna Close, Photographer/Filmmaker
Without registration, creators lose key enforcement tools, but we understand that many professionals will put off registration because it seems time-consuming, confusing, or costly. As described in our recent blog post, settlements for infringing uses of your work can be a valuable part of your business. The cost is negligible compared to potential value.
Together, RightsClick and Capture One make copyright management coffee-break easy!
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