
The Lucky Shot May Be Quite Valuable

Everyone owns copyrights. But not everyone has a need to enforce their rights. As an operation of law, copyright rights “attach” to a work the moment it is created—and the most common type of work that almost everybody creates is the photograph. Typically, we tend to think about copyright in context to professional photography, andContinue reading “The Lucky Shot May Be Quite Valuable”

Federal Court Affirms: Memes are not a Copyright-Free Zone

We’ve all become accustomed to the never-ending parade of iconic images that get picked up as viral “memes.” From Grumpy Cat to Distracted Boyfriend and many more, people seize on images that starkly convey basic emotions and copy them, adding their own context, often to humorous ends. But somewhere there is a photographer who tookContinue reading “Federal Court Affirms: Memes are not a Copyright-Free Zone”